Keeping a Team Spirit While Remote Working

Joe Towner

Posted by: Joe Towner

Categories: IT services
Keeping a Team Spirit While Remote Working

The current COVID-19 outbreak has brought disruption and uncertainty to the working lives of millions of people all around the world. There isn’t a sector among us that hasn’t been affected in some exceptional way. 

Many of us are beginning to get used to working from home, commandeering spare bedrooms or the kitchen table and settling into a different working routine. Staying motivated and professional can be tough during such times and it can be hard to keep a team spirit going when you’re not connected in the same way as before when you caught up with the day over coffee in the office kitchen.

The team at J&L are remote working, just the same as you are, and we’re doing everything we can to ensure we support each other and our clients during this time. It’s working so far, a world away from normal, but we’re communicating and managing to keep a warm team spirit, so we’re going to share with you a few of the tips and tricks we’re using to stay sane and connected – and working.

Use a reliable video conferencing service

We try to get to see each other every day, even if it is just once. Reliable video conferencing platforms are booming at the moment so try a few out before you settle on just one. If you screen-share a lot, then do double-check as this feature isn’t always standard.

Keeping face-to-face contact with members of the team is an important part of maintaining the connection and lifting the team spirit, which can be critical for motivation during exceptional times.

Keep an open mind to reduce stress

A flexible approach to the working day is required to ensure that stress levels don’t rise too high. Not everyone has a dedicated office, and some have kids and partners at home too. There are bound to be disruptions, so make sure you’re all prepared to keep an open mind about meetings and calls. 

We’ve found this also really interesting. We’re a close bunch at the best of times, but now we’re seeing each other in our own environments and we’re keeping it as informal as possible so that everyone’s stress levels are at a minimum.

Get the timing right

Try to keep to the ‘normal’ start of the working day. Many of us spend years establishing a working routine and a sudden move from that can send your motivation flying through the nearest window. Get up at the same time and follow the usual pattern. Begin your working day when you usually would and try to set meetings at the times you’d usually catch up in the office. 

HOT TIP: If you have a family at home with you that are hitting the gaming scene for sanity, then try to time your meetings right so that you aren’t all competing for bandwidth. 

Supporting each other and our clients

The team at J&L has supported each other from the very start, moving to remote working straight away to ensure we’re protecting every member of the team and our families. 

We’re keeping in constant touch and have created a core framework that means we can continue to offer the same levels of customer support and service regardless of where we’re based. Our clients can still pick up the phone and talk to us – just like before – and can still rely on us to be as friendly as ever because of the way we’re communicating. 

We’ve always had good relationships with our clients, and we’re committed to keeping it that way. The businesses that come out of this crisis on the other side will be more connected with each other and their customers than ever before.

Joe Towner

About: Joe Towner

Joe is a Principal Systems Developer who has led the design and build of a variety of website and IT projects, drawing on his technical expertise in PHP7, HTML5, Windows/Linux servers, requirements analysis, web applications, web services and e-commerce.

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