Writing Website Content

Posted by: Tim Jarrett

Content is a vital part of any website and is often the area that can be improved the most. Here are our top tips for creating or improving your website content.
Be Concise
People do not read websites like they read books, they scan read looking for specific pieces of information. Removing any unnecessary content makes it much easier for readers to zone in on what they want to know.
Don't repeat yourself
Avoid repeatedly covering the same point. A good example is this very paragraph which, considering the point I have just made about being concise, could be considered as unnecessary.
Avoid industry terms and acronyms
Anything that could limit your target audience's understanding can dramatically inhibit the effectiveness of your website. Even when you know a what an acronym means, it still takes brain power to translate, where reading the words doesn't.
Use images
A picture speaks a thousand words and can communicate those words in a fraction of second. Remember, the rule about being concise applies to images to.
Write for your audience
Most people naturally write for their peers which is great if that is your audience, but not so great otherwise. Keep focused on who is your target audience, what they value and what content is going to suit them.
Keep focused on the goals of your website
Most of you will be trying to get your audience to perform one or more actions. You may want people to contact you, buy a product or signup to a mailing list. Define the goals of your website and ensure you create content that is going to drive visitors towards those goals.
People buy benefits not features
If your website is trying to drive product or service sales remember that people react more to the benefits that features bring them rather than the features themselves. You don't buy a saw because it has sharp teeth, you buy it because it allows you to cut wood.
Proofread your work
Going back and rereading your work can often highlight errors or ways the content can be improved. A good extension of this is to ask someone else to proofread your content and give you feedback.